Tuesday 28 January 2020

Self-Destructive Behaviour

The health promotion that has been chosen is self-destructive behaviour. Self-destructive or also known as dysregulated behaviours offers release or even gratification but is temporary. Self-destructive is something that gets in the way of life and stops individuals from reaching satisfaction and fulfilled truly. Self-destructive behaviour consist of many things such as alcohol/drug abuse and smoking, eating disorders such binge eating, obsessive computer gaming, self-harming and prolonged avoidance. It also includes other behaviours that feel beneficial in the moment but destructive over time (Psychologytoday, 2015).

Individuals who strive with self-destructive behaviours can vary a lot, but some individuals have a tendency to share certain similar behaviours. For individuals whom strive with self-destructive behaviour were perhaps were born with higher emotions than others. They tend to feel emotions stronger than others. As a result to this they are likely to be creative people and very empathic like people (Psychologytoday, 2015).

To what has caused these individuals to develop self-destructive behaviours they might have matured in an adversarial or invalidating background. Adverse upbringings may consist of severe incidents such as bodily violence, abandonment, or endless disapproval. Experiences with relatives who dampen expression of feelings or induced the use self-destructive behaviours to manage with their own feelings; or encounters exterior to the home, in cases such as bullying, and regularly being left out by others (Psychologytoday, 2015).

The individuals whom were born with the tendency to the feeling of strong emotions. For individuals whom were constantly put into conditions that would be emotionally distressing for any person, then the pain possibly began to feel intolerable at times to a point where an individual will try to turn off their emotions and not feel. As a result to their resource to one or more self-destructive behaviour (Psychologytoday, 2015).

These self-destructive behaviours may seem so helpful in the time to a point where one would never truly learned how to cope with the negative emotions. Resulting the usage of self-destructive behaviour to turn off the negative emotions of pain; it is like bottling up all these emotions to a point where one will explode with all these emotions (Psychologytoday, 2015).

The self-destructive behaviours give a relief for short period of time but the negative emotions will keep building inside resulting the individuals to feel under pressure a lot. If the emotions are never faced nor experienced they will keep piling up with the other emotions until they explode with these feelings where it feels unbearable. Resulting in the individual to try harder to not feel and have them engaging in more self-destructive behaviour trying to resolve their feelings for a short period of time. This is a cycle that will repeat itself (Psychologytoday, 2015).

Depression plays the part of many threats, troubling individuals with hopelessness and increasing their risk of suicide. Individual’s efforts to suppress the pain, some turn to self-destructive behaviour such as alcohol/drugs, self-harming and other destructive behaviours that cause danger to them even more (Webmd, 2011).
Cantor, P. (2011) states “There is a strong relationship between depression and high-risk behaviors.”  (Psychologytoday 2015). This suggests that there is a relationship between depression and self-destructive behaviour.

Over drinking and drug usage, unprotected sex and self-harming behaviours that persons might do can give a short time relief from their emotional pain (Webmd, 2011).

About 7.7% of the Irish of the population suffer from depression; about 300,000 Irish citizens (Independent, 2004). This suggests that Irish population has a relatively high depression rate and that depression seems to be an issue among some Irish citizens. For individuals whom suffer from depression the statistics show that about 10’000 of them have been hospitalised as a result (Independent, 2004). This could suggest that a small portion of these figures could be related to self-destructive behaviour as there is no direct figures for such statistics in self-destructive behaviour.

It is important to the Irish health setting for the reason that is hidden aspect of mental health within the Irish Society. For an example parents may not be aware that obsessive gaming amongst their children and young adults as a self-destructive behaviour.

When playing video games the brain releases a chemical in the brain known as dopamine, which is also known as the happy chemical within the brain which has individuals wanting to play more video games and easily lead to video game addiction. The long term effect of playing video games it will soon replace one’s social life with friends and interaction with the family. In some cases may start affecting sleeping patterns and also decrease physical activities and exercise. That some individuals turn to video games to escape from their issues within their life; as a way to escape their pain (Psychologytoday, 2014). This would suggest that using video games as a coping mechanism is resulting in self-destructive behaviour without necessarily being aware of it.

A new study has shown that students in Ireland in third level education spends more money on alcohol than food. It can be considered that most drinking occurrences amongst college students can be classified as binge drinking. When an individual has about four beers or a bottle of wine in one night can be classified as a Binge drinker (Irishhealth, 2005).
Statistics have identified general concerns surrounding the issues this binge drinking that college students part take in which affect the health and well-being of these students issues that include harm related to the alcohol intake, unprotect sex resulting the effect in sexual health and mental health issues (Irishhealth, 2005). These negative impacts of drinking suggests self-destructive behaviour is striving amongst college students but is hidden within these social occasions.
Self-harming is an issue within young adults in the Irish society. There were approximately 11,061 incidents in 2013 that resulted in hospitalisation due to self-harming. However there is many variations of self-harming that people do in secret that can prolong hidden for a long period of time without being discovered. Which would suggest the figures for individual whom self-harm may be higher but yet not been discovered as the figures only show for the individuals whom have been revealed due resulting needing a hospital (Mentalhealthireland, n.d).

There has been indicating factors that individuals whom have previously self-harmed has resulted taken their own life.  A study that was carried out in 1999 which looked at 174 suicides which revealed that for individuals under the age of 25 years about 80% of the individuals had self-harmed within the past year up to it. Another study that was carried out in 2014 approximately 40-60% of individuals whom died by suicide had a past of self-harming (Thejournal, 2017). Self-harming is a self-destructive behaviour with these above statistics above would suggest a strong linkage of suicide rate linked with self-harming. It could suggest that with a prolonged unrevealed self-destructive person that it may lead to suicide due not being discovered in time.
This Self-destructive behaviour effects a big majority of the Irish society within the different categories of self-destructive behaviour depending on their social environment. The above statistics suggest how it is self-destructive with the negative impacts to the individual’s life. That it is an issue that needs more awareness on.
Health promoters can help the outcome this issue by firstly recognising that self-destructive behaviour is an issue amongst young people within the Irish society. Health promoters can help this issue by advertising the issue just like the drink awareness ads or mental health ads with support lines attached to it. Health promoters such a mental Ireland and Spunout could advertise this issue and make people aware that there is an issue and that there is help for this issue.
The management of personality disorder is a general matter dealing with present mental health services. There is services with specialist that are not often available and people with these problems tend to drop out of treatment (Irishpsychiatry, 2003).  The approach to deal with people who strive with self-destructive behaviour is managing these intense emotions and learning to overcome self-destructive behaviours.
If these self-destructive behaviours recognised inventions can be put into place to help these individual whom strive on self-destructive behaviour. Invention should put into place early as possible however because of culture in society it would appear as normal that teenage to spend time in their room playing video games, that students out socialising drinking as the normal thing to do. Regarding to self-harming it is usually hidden and not discovered in the early stages of it. Which makes inventions that be harder to catch in the early stages. However with more awareness made on this issue individuals might discover this behaviour earlier for inventions to be able to take place, to help resolve the issue before it escalates to more extreme cases.  This awareness is targeted towards teenagers and young adults as the issue strives mostly amongst these young section of society.

As mentioned above in the introduction it has been highlighted that there is certain new aspects has come into mental health for instances the advancements of technology that gaming can be classified as self-destructive behaviour in the sense sitting in a room isolating one’s self from interactions with friends and family. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs on the third stage of needs is Love and belongingness needs that one needs friendship and being a part of a group even if that is friends or family (Simplypsychology, 2017).

As for the binge drinking amongst students being seen as a norm making it harder to see how they are being self-destructive to their health and even education. As for Self-harming it is an unseen issue so people tend to “shove it under the rug” People see that as too dark to help others when are aware of their friend or family member who needs help that they just push it to aside but if they were aware that they can help and how they can that might be able to help the outcome of this issue.

Self-destructive behaviour needs more awareness as it a hidden section within the mental section. More awareness on this issue may decrease the outcome with this issue.  The best health promotion that can be made on this issue, is making people more aware by educating people on self-destructive behaviour as individuals may not be aware that they are part taking in self-destructive behaviour. Making posters informing individuals what is self-destructive behaviour. With support lines attached to it and links to online support groups and other way to approach this issue before it escalates to more extreme cases. Encouraging people to talk more about this issue to the point where individuals recognise the issue.

Behavioural Theory:
The theory that suits to help this issue is known as Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is a therapy the offers from 8 to 24 sessions. That consists of a way of understanding mental health issue to how they developed their patterns which they usually come from early life. CAT helps by looking at how they can approach their difficulties which are usually very complex. CAT was first established by Dr Tony Ryle (1927 – 2016) in the setting of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom which to be now available in many other countries across the world including Ireland. CAT is a small active community in Ireland but has trained professionals in the area (Icat, 2016).
Cognitive analytic therapy can be very useful in mapping these patterns. It can be helpful in the sense they don’t repeat abusive or rejection experiences that the individual might have faced in the past. The communication formulae that CAT uses is known as SET which stands for support, empathy and truth. This form of communication is holds the purpose to help the individual feel comfortable to be able to approach their issues (Irishpsychiatry, 2003). 

A way to be able to evaluate the success rate of this promotion is by keeping track on the amount of individual’s attention that was grasped. Also by how many brochures that was taken. A True evaluation can’t be done until the promotion of the topic has been carried out.

Self-destructive behaviour is a hidden section within the mental health section that needs more awareness and promotion on the topic. To help make people aware of the signs and to help the situation improve the statistics on this issue.
If anyone is affected by this issue or content present please contact
·        Aware.ie: 1800 80 48 48
·        Samaritans: 028 9146 4646

·        Psychologytoday. 2015. Understanding Self-Destructive (Dysregulated) Behaviors. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/beyond-self-destructive-behavior/201512/understanding-self-destructive-dysregulated-behaviors
·        Independent. 2004. DEPRESSION: THE SYMPTOMS, THE STATISTICS, THE HELP. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: https://www.independent.ie/unsorted/features/depression-the-symptoms-the-statistics-the-help-25907766.html
·        Webmd. 2011. Depression and Risky Behavior. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: https://www.webmd.com/depression/features/depression-and-risky-behavior
·        Irishhealth. 2005. College students binge drink regularly. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: http://www.irishhealth.com/article.html?id=7388
·        Psychologytoday. 2014. Video Games Rated A for Addictive. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/talking-about-trauma/201412/video-games-rated-addictive
·        Mentalhealthireland. n.d. Self-harm. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: http://www.mentalhealthireland.ie/a-to-z/self-harm/
·        Thejournal. 2017. The number of people self-harming in Ireland is continuing to rise. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: http://www.thejournal.ie/self-harm-2-3225279-Feb2017/
·        Irishpsychiatry. 2003. Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self-destructive Habits. [Online]. [22 March 2018]. Available from: http://www.irishpsychiatry.ie/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/managing_intense_emotions.pdf
·        Simplypsychology. 2017. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. [Online]. [23 March 2018]. Available from: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
·        Icat. 2016. WHAT IS CAT?. [Online]. [23 March 2018]. Available from: https://icat.ie/

Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Origins of Sexuality: A Study to see if sexual orientation is genetic or chemicals in the brain?

The Origins of Sexuality: A study to see if Sexual orientation is genetic or the chemicals in the brain?

(Gay couple, no date)

This is a study to see if sexual orientation is genetic or the chemicals in the brain. In this research the aim is discover if sexual orientation genetic, chemical in the brain or social science. As observed in through history that sexual orientation was influenced through society, religion, cultural and laws. Down through the years and how accepting society has become the increase in numbers of people have said to be ‘coming out’ Yet today there is still there is people who still won’t state their sexual orientation due to their family backgrounds. All of people say they cannot choose their sexual orientation and in this research project is to discover is sexual orientation is genetic or chemicals in the brain.

Everyone is creature of habit, whereby they don’t really like change, its nice to know how the day is planned and structured. (We are creatures of habit 2009). This above quote applies to everyone and should not be any different to someone with a different sexual orientation to most people within society. Through history to be classified as gay, lesbian or transgender was against society and were most likely persecuted. It was illegal to have a different sexual orientation than everyone else up to the 1900’s. The law, demands the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) 1993, was proposed, in Ireland up to 1993 it was illegal to be homosexual. (Bohan, 2013) There was little study of homosexuality before the 19th century. Early studies to understand the range of human sexual behaviour came from European doctors and scientists, Sigmund Freud and Magnus Hirschfield. Their writings were concerned to the hypothesis of a homosexual or bisexual orientation occurring naturally in a distinguishable segment of civilisation. Freud did not consider homosexuality an illness or a crime. Hirschfield created Berlin's Institute for Sexual Science. Hirschfield's great library was destroyed and the books burnt by Nazis in 1933. (Association, 2016). People in the past were not quiet opened up to idea of science, never mind the science of sexual orientation. It was society that justified the science of people who were Homosexual or bisexual. It all goes back to the stereotypes of people who were classified as homosexuality. Stereotypes will be discussed further in this research project.

A research of studies that confirmed the association between same-sex orientation in men and a specific chromosomal region. This is related to results first published in the 1990s, which, at that time, gave rise to the hypothesis that a “gay gene” must exist. But this case has never been validated, although the fact that studies have shown that homosexuality is a heritable characteristic. This point will go into further detail down further in this project.

The chemicals in the brain Adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine, those chemicals are released from the brain and they are said to be linked to the chemicals of ‘love’. Adrenaline activates your stress response, increasing your blood levels of adrenalin. This effect is when one starts to sweat, one’s heart rate increase and mouth goes dry due to nervous around the one they are attracted to. Serotonin is the happy chemical in the brain. it is the chemical that makes you feel happy especially when the person you’re attracted to keeps popping into your thoughts. Finally, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain it has been discovered to have high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine suggests that some is highly attracted to someone. This chemical stimulates ‘desire’ by triggering an intense rush of pleasure.  (The science of love, no date) Chemicals in the brain that are released are linked to who someone’s attraction, further down in this research, it would be looked into to see if sexual orientation is linked to the chemicals released.

Literature Review:

“Even today, overt prejudice and discrimination are in abundant supply. Armed conflicts based ethnic or religious divisions continues across the globe; hate crimes persist; and people’s race, gender, religion and sexual orientation spark unfair treatment “(Herek 2000)

A stereotype is a thought that can be assumed about precise categories of individuals or certain ways of doing things. These are thoughts or beliefs. (Stereotype, 2016) In history how science wasn’t that big, society used stereotyping to justify their thoughts on an individual. It was stereotyping was the ‘science’ to sexual orientation.

The stereotypes for homosexual men were, ‘HIV/AIDS is primarily a disease among gay man’ That stereotype may have been true to a certain extent due most homosexual men would have unprotected sex, but therefore straight men can be a carrier to STD’s, ‘gay men are all feminine.’ It has said to be that some homosexual men’s voices are higher pitch that most men, but that hasn’t and doesn’t stand for all gay men. “Gay men are attracted to all men and can’t control their desires” That stereotype can’t be said to be remotely true. homosexual men only like whatever their ‘type’ is. Straight or homosexual everyone is said to have ‘type’. Self-control, that all goes down to who the person one is.  (Lipp, 2013)

However, the stereotypes of homosexual women are slightly different. ‘gay women are either buff or femme’ that is the biggest one that has gone down through history. Gay woman some may be all buff but most are not. Homosexual women actually blend into society because they look like most women. ‘women become lesbian because they had a bad or negative sexual experiences with men’ In reality homosexual women know they are attracted to other women from their mid-teens or even younger but if they ‘came out’ after being with males doesn’t boil down to their experiences, just like homosexual women who have never been with a man. ‘Gay relationships are abnormal and dysfunctional’ Gay relationships are just like heterosexual people’s relationships. (no date) In history this was classified as the science of someone’s sexual orientation.

Down through the years, science began to build up and technology increased. People’s views on science began to change. More people became more opened minded to idea of science. Scientists have done researches that sexual orientation being linked to genes and being genetic.

Years of studies suggest that people can't amend their sexual orientation because they want to, and that trying can cause mental distress. More researches suggest that being homosexual may have a genetic or biological root. (Ghose and Reserved, no date)

People who are attracted to someone of the same sex acquire their orientation before they are born. Therefore, this is not a choice. Research proving that there is biological evidence for sexual orientation has been obtainable since the 1980s. In 2014, researchers confirmed the connection between same-sex orientation in men and a precise chromosomal area. A rise to the idea that a “gay gene” does exist. This argument has never been proven, despite that studies have shown that homosexuality is a heritable trait. Studies on identical twins are important as identical twins inherit the same genes. This can show a possible genetic is the cause for sexual orientation. Studies on twins have founded that homosexuality is more mutual in identical twins than in non-identical twins. This supports that homosexuality can be inherited. (The science behind A more meaningful understanding of sexual orientation, 2015)

(Gay couple, no date)
Nevertheless, the degree of the inheritance between twins was lower than estimated. These findings back to the concept that homosexuality can be inherited, this does not occur agreeing to the rules of classical genetics. Rather, it befalls through another means, known as epigenetics. Epigenetics tells to the effect of environmental features on genes. Epigenetics refers to marks that can be added to or removed from DNA that alter the expression of a particular gene. DNA sequence has got to be read before proteins can be made; the tags get in the way of the scanning mechanism and therefore prevent expression. (The science behind A more meaningful understanding of sexual orientation, 2015)

Future Studies show that a mass of scientific studies has revealed that sexual orientation is biologically determined. There is not a single gene or environmental factor that is liable for this, although somewhat a set of complex connections amongst the two that decides one’s sexual orientation. However, more evidence is leading researchers to a specific region on the X-chromosome, and possibly an area on another chromosome. The identification of these chromosomal areas does not suggest that homosexuality is a disorder nor are mutations in the genes in these areas, which still remain to be identified. For the first time, it implies that there is a specific area on a chromosome that establishes sexual orientation. Although research has not yet found what the specific mechanisms are that decide sexual orientation. (The science behind A more meaningful understanding of sexual orientation, 2015)

There have been no studies have found precise location of those ‘gay genes’ that make someone gay. However, some genes may make being Homosexual probable. For example, in 2014 study was done in the journal Psychological Medicine which displayed that a gene on the X chromosome called Xq28. Another gene on chromosome 8 seem to be found in higher frequency in men who are homosexual. That research, linking more than 400 pairs of Homosexual brothers, link with the report from 1993 by geneticist Dean Hamer suggesting the presence of a ‘gay gene.’ Other studies have discovered that being gay or lesbian tends to run in families. It's also more probable for two identical twins, who share all of the same genes, to both be homosexual than it is for non-identical twins, who share just half of the same genes, to both be homosexual. Those research strongly suggests that genes appeared to have a superior effect on the sexual orientation. (Ghose and Reserved, no date)

A new study that was carried out of 409 pairs of Homosexual brothers could determine the existence of the ‘gay gene’. Research managed by the NorthShore Research Institute in the US discovered strong links amongst male sexual orientation and two exact areas of the genome in humans, “erodes the notion that sexual orientation is a choice”. Said Alan Sanders the lead scientist in the institute. The report is three times bigger than any formerly completed. It shows two genetic areas that have been linked to male homosexuality in separate research. It has not been claimed to have found a single gene which ‘causes’ homosexuality. It has shown sexual orientation there are many influencing factors, that make it both genetic and environmental. (Vincent, 2014)

(Gay couple, no date)
A new research of male twins, could help justify that It discoveries that epigenetic results, chemical modifications of the genome that change gene activity without altering the DNA sequence, may have a main effect on sexual orientation. In 2012 that epigenetics plays a role in sexual orientation, but were cautiousness that the research was still initial and built on a small sample. Scientists thought they were close on the trail of “gay genes” in 1993, by geneticist Dean Hamer but, some teams were unable to replicate the discoveries and the genes have not been found. That's why it has suggested that epigenetics instead or in adding to modern genetics that might be involved. During progress, chromosomes are subjective to chemical changes that don't affect the nucleotide sequence but can turn genes on or off; the best recognised instance is methylation, in which a methyl group is enclosed to precise DNA areas. Such ‘epi-marks’ can stay in place for a lifetime, but most are erased when eggs and sperm are produced. New researches, however, have shown that some ‘epi-marks’ are passed on to the next generation. (Balter, 2016)

A study in 2005 that made headlines, Northwestern University scientist stated that bisexuality is non existing. 101 young men 30 of who stated as straight, 38 as gay, and 33 as bisexual to watch erogenous videos with their genitals bound to spot arousal. The straight men were aroused only by heterosexual videos and the gays only by homosexual ones. Amongst the men who stated as bisexual, three-quarters were aroused by the gay videos and one-quarter by the straight, with none aroused by both. (The, 1991) According to Castleman M.A (2016) ‘The researchers’ conclusion: Straight, gay, or lying. ‘

However, Humans are not the only type of animals that have being associated with homosexuality, in fact it has been discovered to be found in various of other animals. Homosexuality is a shared occurrence and is most common among animals with a complex herd life. Dolphins have a position on the top of animal intelligence, and are comparable to both chimpanzees and humans in cognitive and social abilities. Great diversity exists in dolphin societies as well, and numerous same-sex liaisons have been found. In one incredible case, a pair of gay dolphins enjoyed a seventeen-year relationship, while scientists discovered a whole area of dolphins composed completely of male’s dolphin’s members did certainly not lack in romantic experiences. It has shown that dolphin relationships are tremendously strong, nevertheless of the orientation of the marine mammals involved. (Blackstone, 2013)

Lions are also homosexual. A study from a South African University has finally determined that the majority of lions are in fact, homosexual.  The investigation was carried out over the progress of seventeen years across East and Southern Africa by over three dozen leading biologists. The study went for weeks of seeing the mating rituals of elderly male lions.  This discovery has a further step in the emotional and sexual progress cycles of the apex predator. (Magazine, 2015) Male lions often group together with their brothers to lead the pride. To certify loyalty, they strengthen the attachments by often having sexual intercourse with each other. Homosexual behaviour has been observed in 1,500 animal species. (Jeong, 2014)

(Magazine, 2015)
It has been shown that homosexual does exist in lots of different species not just humans. It has been shown that is a natural thing in life, therefore it has to go back to nature.

Furthermore, there is a case of rat’s sexual preferences changing according Oxytocic and dopamine levels. The root for homosexual behaviour has frequently been debated. Scientist have been able to show that conditioned homosexual preference in male rats can be induced by oxytocin and the psychoactive drug quinpirole. The drug quinpirole is identified to have the same influence on the brain as the neurotransmitter dopamine which shows the same effect as Dopamine. The development of having sexual intercourse emphasises sexual preference between males and females, as the brain issues enormous levels of dopamine during the act. Giving the rat a hint of the chemicals and place them in condition the animal's preference for its mate. When male rats were exposed to the hormone oxytocin, and then made to live together with other sexually active males, they developed a social preference for the other males, even when the drugs were no longer present in their system. intriguingly, their preference wasn’t just controlled to that social situation. When given a choice days later between a male and a female, the rats displayed sexual preference not for the females, but the male rat’s. (Sexual preference in rats influenced by Oxytocin and Dopamine, 2015)
This here brings in the question is sexual orientation genetic? If rat’s sexual preference is influenced by chemicals produced by the brain does that mean can humans be to? Attraction to someone is to do with chemicals being released from the brain that brings the hypothesis is sexual orientation to do with the chemicals in the brain?

Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline) increases adrenaline being produced, Adrenaline makes the heart race, and the palms sweat. Norepinephrine is getting released from neurons called noradrenergic neurons. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that being released by the brain when we feel good. It also may make people more excitable. It affects brain processes that control emotional reaction, movement, power to express desire. Phenylethylamine a releasing agent of norepinephrine and dopamine. The first attraction causes us to produce more Phenylethylamine, results in those dizzying feelings connected with attraction. Large amounts of Phenylethylamine escalation in both physical and emotional energy and at the same time release more dopamine. (ASDN, 2006) Serotonin is the chemical released by the brain, that is known as the happy chemical. It is the chemical that makes one feel happy. These three chemicals, Dopamine, Adrenaline and serotonin are the chemicals released by the brain when someone ‘Loves’ someone. They are linked in with attraction.   

(Tattoos, 2016)
When two people whom released these chemicals and feel attracted towards each other. Within nature they have sexual intercourse therefore more chemicals are released by the brain. Testosterone is released which is the chemical that makes one feel aroused, in males the penis is erected and in females the vagina is lubricated with vaginal fluid and the clitoris is erected. Does that make sexual orientation define by which gender does the brain release the chemical testosterone for?

Study Suggests Women Are Bisexual or Gay, but almost never Straight. What makes one aroused is very private, a new study investigating the existence of this spectrum may prove somewhat controversial and It titles that women are almost always gay or bisexual but are not straight. The research using volunteers to examine the sexual arousal of women have been led. It has suggested that women are, on average, aroused as in, displaying physical changes in their bodies indicating attraction female sexual stimuli. The same is apparently not true for lesbians as, unexpectedly are more aroused by their own sex than by the opposite sex. This new research, led by Dr. Gerulf Rieger from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, asked 345 women of different sexual orientations to watch a series of videos containing sexual content. During that time, their physical responses were measured, their pupil dilation and their genital response. (Study suggests women are bisexual or gay, but almost never straight, 2015)

The results found that women who identified as heterosexuals were, on average, strongly aroused by videos of both attractive men and women. In contrast to this, self-identified lesbians exhibited a far stronger response to women than men, which the researchers likened to the responses of heterosexual men: both groups show proportional levels of attraction to their self-identified sexual orientation. A major disapproval this paper is likely to take when it is published is that arousal is not completely the same as sexual orientation. “Even though the majority of women identify as straight, our research clearly demonstrates that when it comes to what turns them on, they are either bisexual or gay, but never straight,” Stated Dr. Rieger (Study suggests women are bisexual or gay, but almost never straight, 2015)

(Gay couple, no date)
These chemicals released by the brain are all the same with heterosexuals couples and homosexual couples, the question is what causes these chemicals to be released for one to be attracted to the same sex while others not? The above case stating that arousal isn’t same as sexual orientation due to heterosexual women showing signs of arousal to other women, this could suggest that this is a hormonal factor, women reproduce offspring’s and they produce chemicals of ‘love’ for their child no matter what their gender is therefore the chemicals released can be hormonal influence, but then it wasn’t the same case with homosexual women, they just seem to be aroused by the same sex only, that there shows that homosexual women can only be aroused by the same sex this would suggest that arousal plays a part in one being homosexual. Arousal may not be the cause of homosexuality but has strongly suggested that it plays a part in one’s sexual orientation.

In to conclude, this research has shown how much society has changed with their views. It has also shown how much it hasn’t changed, some of the stereotypes have followed down throughout history. It has suggested that some people’s views of sexual orientation haven’t changed while others have. The result of majority of societies views on sexual orientation changing has a result of more people said to be ‘coming out’. The society views have changed to evolved to the thought that people do not have a choice to their sexual orientation, this research may have not revealed the exact cause of homosexuality but it has strongly suggested that people do not have a choice in their sexual orientation. This research strongly suggests that sexual orientation is along the lines of genes and inheritance. The case in 1993 of the ‘gay genes’ it hasn’t abled to be replicated therefore shows it may have another factor responsible. Epigenetics has suggested to be the case, People can grow up most of their life and not think they are homosexual while others can say they know from very young ages. Epigenetics being tags called epi-marks on one’s genes and can be inactive for a long time until it becomes activated, this strongly suggests that epigenetics can be the cause for homosexuality, it goes in hand with environmental factors that people seem to believe that may have an effect on one’s sexual orientation. The chemicals in the brain that are released when one is attracted to someone, has suggested that it plays a factor in one’s sexual orientation. Homosexuals only being aroused by the same sex suggests that cannot choose what gender makes them aroused. This research has strongly suggested that it may not be one cause of homosexuality that there may be may factors that influence one’s sexual orientation. For an example this research suggests that epigenetics plays a role in one’s sexual orientation, it also suggests that the chemicals in the brain plays a role in one’s sexual orientation. However, the precise cause for homosexuality has not been discovered, more researches soon would discover the cause or causes of one’s sexual orientation.


The recommendations one could make having conducted this research are, that education and more research is of upmost importance. There should be more education on the topic of sexual orientation. People should be at educated that sexual orientation. The effect of being locked in the ‘closet’ has in turn to cause bad mental health in people. The depression rates of people may drop, due to a percentage of depression rates is to people being in the ‘closet’. However, it would be recommended that this type of education to older and young people could be key. More research should be carried out to show the people that is a scientific cause to homosexuality, well there has been shown that there is but not quite enough to make it validated in some people’s eyes. Once there is more research done, this could help people gain an insight and in turn reduce the controversial views and discrimination on sexual orientation. Considering the case from 1993 would be considered as an old research, it would be recommended that more modern research is done on the lines of heritance.


  • ASDN, 2016 – (2006) Chemistry - chemistry of love. Available at: http://asdn.net/asdn/chemistry/chemistry_of_love.php (Accessed: 6 March 2016).
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  • Association, A.P. (2016) History of Lesbian, gay, & bisexual social movements. Available at: http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/resources/history.aspx (Accessed: 1 April 2016).
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Thursday 15 October 2015

Cell Diversity

 Cell Diversity

By Naomi Keddy

Tissue is a group of similar cells modified to carry out the same function
Types of plant tissues:
·         Dermal tissue: surrounds and protects the plant. Eg Epidermis
·         Vascular Tissue: transports minerals in the plants. Eg Xylem; transports water and dissolved minerals and Phloem transports food.
Four Types of animal tissues:
·         Connective tissue: consists of cells dispersed in a matrix and surrounds its and supports the body.
Types of connective tissue
-Dense Connective tissue
-Adipose tissue
-Areolar tissue
-Compact bone
Examples of connective tissue:
1.       Cartilage: Provides strength and flexibility
2.       Bone: Allows movement, Stores calcium and contains forming blood cells
3.       Blood: Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Tissue Culture: is the growth of cells in sterile nutrient medium outside the body.
In vitro means outside of the body
Micropropagation: is the growth of large numbers of cells of a parent plant.
Monoclonal antibodies: combine with a specific type of antigen, this may be used to attach to and show the presence of antigens on cancer cells.
Growth of Skin: Patients skin grown outside of the body and new skin is grafted onto the wound, this is called a skin graft and is often used on badly burnt patients due the fact the their skin tissue too bad damaged to repair itself.

Conditions necessary for Tissue growth


• Nutrients

• Growth factors and hormones

• Correct pH

• Optimum temperature

• Sterile conditions

• Freedom from competition

An Organ: is made up of a number of tissues working together to carry out the same function.
An Organ System: contains a number of working organs working together to carry one or more functions.